Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Angga Prawadika Aji, S.I.P., M.A. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>MEDKOM, Journal of Media and Communication</strong> (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN : 2809-2457</a> , <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e-ISSN : 2776-3609</a>) is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Communication Airlangga University. MEDKOM Journal is an interdisciplinary journal that, while centered in communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study. <br /><br />The journal consists of online versions, published bi-annually at the end of May and November of the current year. As a scientific periodical, the journal is subject to standard provisions of peer reviews conducted by Communication Scholars from various universities. All submitted manuscripts will go through the <strong>double-blind peer review</strong> and editorial review before being granted acceptance for publication. </p> Menggugat Stereotip Maskulinitas: Peran Ayah Tunggal dalam Film Rumah Aya (2021) 2024-05-06T08:57:48+07:00 Ni Luh Ayu Sukmawati <p><em>This study criticizes the concept of "Housefather" that has released since 2021, which reflects changes in the construction of hegemonic masculinity in contemporary society. The dominant masculinity stereotypes have formed the gender dichotomy and resulted in the perception that men must be superior to women. However, this monolithic concept fails to encompass the various manifestations of masculinity that exist within diverse cultural contexts. This stereotype, often explained through the role of men as authoritative "heads of the household" who support the family and abstain from household chores, ignores a more complex and diverse reality. Through analysis of the film Rumah Aya (2021), this study responds to the idea that masculinity values can contribute to gender justice. Unlike popular films that usually focus on the mother's character, this film highlights a father's perspective and changes traditional stereotypes of masculinity. The main character, Bari, represents a unique construction of masculinity, one that differs from prevalent Western models of masculinity. In Teun A. Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis and Fluid Connell's concept of masculinity, this research shows a shift in the role of men from "head of the household" to "father of the household". These results point to a more flexible role for men, where they are no longer limited by their traditional role as breadwinners, but also participate in domestic and childcare tasks. This research, therefore, helps in expanding knowledge about variations in masculinity, particularly in local contexts, and breaking down the boundaries of rigid gender stereotypes.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Stereotype; masculinity; film; critical discourse analysis; gender roles.</em></p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Luh Ayu Sukmawati Visualization of Traditional Urban Culture in the Lyrics of the Song 'Sesuatu di Jogja' by Adhitya Sofyan 2024-05-06T08:59:31+07:00 Nimas Wibowo <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">his research explores the portrayal of traditional urban culture in Yogyakarta through the narrative found in the song 'Sesuatu di Jogja,' narrated by Adhitya Sofyan. The song is believed to carry profound meaning in representing the traditional urban culture of the Yogyakarta region in urban studies in Indonesia. This study will employ textual analysis as its research method, considering that song lyrics are regarded as one of the various forms of text that possess diverse meanings depending on the communicator. By utilizing the semiotic approach from Ferdinand Saussure's perspective, this study will decipher the signifiers and signifieds within the lyrics of the song 'Sesuatu di Jogja.' The findings indicate that the song portrays the Yogyakarta region as a city of tourism, culture, history, and education, seen as the object of romance by the character in the song's lyrics. Additionally, Yogyakarta is narrated as a destination for tourists seeking tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of the capital city, Jakarta.</span></em></p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nimas Wibowo Manchester United dan Makna Kesetiaan: Studi Fenomenologi Loyalitas Mahasiswa Penggemar Manchester United 2024-05-06T08:55:56+07:00 Sarah Stephanie Darmansyah Muhammad Fakhri Asril <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Currently, football has become popular worldwide. Out of the many well-known football clubs, an English football club named Manchester United is one of the football clubs with an international reputation and a massive fan community with more than 63 million followers on its official Instagram account. This research was executed by adopting the qualitative research method using a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews and analyzed through the three stages of qualitative data analysis as Miles, Huberman, and Saldana explained. Results were grouped into three themes which consist of motives for liking Manchester United, involvement of Manchester United fans, and motives for loyalty towards Manchester United. Motives for liking Manchester United include following in the footsteps of parents and personal experience. Fan involvement includes watching matches regularly, expressing oneself on social media, attending watch party events with the fan community, signing up for Vidio account subscriptions, and buying Manchester United merchandise. Loyalty motives include following in the footsteps of parents, having cherished memories of liking Manchester United, and having no interest in other football clubs.</span></em></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Saat ini, sepak bola telah menjadi salah satu olahraga yang populer di kalangan masyarakat seluruh dunia. Dari sekian banyaknya klub sepak bola ternama, klub sepak bola asal Inggris yang bernama Manchester United merupakan salah satu klub sepak bola dengan reputasi internasional dan komunitas penggemar yang masif, dibuktikan dengan pengikut akun media sosial Instagram resminya yang berjumlah lebih dari 63 juta pengikut. Penelitian ini dieksekusi dengan mengadopsi metode penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui metode wawancara dan melakukan analisis data melalui tiga tahapan analisis data kualitatif oleh Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana. Hasil penelitian dikelompokkan dalam tiga tema, yaitu motif menggemari Manchester United, keterlibatan penggemar Manchester United, dan motif loyalitas terhadap Manchester United. Motif menggemari antara lain berupa mengikuti jejak orang tua dan pengalaman pribadi. Keterlibatan penggemar antara lain berupa menonton pertandingan secara rutin, mengekspresikan diri di media sosial, menghadiri acara menonton bersama komunitas penggemar, berlangganan akun Vidio, dan membeli merchandise Manchester United. Motif loyalitas antara lain berupa mengikuti jejak orang tua, telah memiliki kenangan yang berharga dalam menggemari Manchester United, dan tidak memiliki ketertarikan terhadap klub sepak bola lainnya.</span></p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sarah Stephanie Darmansyah, Muhammad Fakhri Asril Analisis Framing Berita Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online di Media dan 2024-05-06T09:10:29+07:00 Zikrina Munawarah <p><em>This research aims to conduct a framing analysis of online gender-based violence (GBV) news presented by two prominent online media platforms in Indonesia, namely and The phenomenon of online GBV has become increasingly significant with the growth of internet users and social media. In the context of the pandemic, the CATAHU report from the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) indicates a dramatic increase in online GBV cases. This study adopts the framing analysis model proposed by Robert Entman to investigate how media framing constructions influence the public's understanding and perception of the online GBV issue. focuses its reporting on online GBV in general, while is more focused on the context of violence against female consumers by "debt collectors" on online lending platforms. Framing analysis includes stages such as Define of problem, Diagnose cause, Make moral judgement, and Treatment recommendation, highlighting the editorial perspectives on the root causes, moral evaluations, and recommended solutions. The research findings indicate that both media platforms emphasize collective responsibility in addressing the online GBV issue and demonstrate the interconnectedness of the issue with human rights and discrimination against women. This research provides insights into how online media constructs narratives around online GBV and its contribution to public understanding, shaping a narrative of collective responsibility in addressing the issue.</em></p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zikrina Munawarah